MarBEF Data System |
WoRMS taxon details
original description
(of Spongia panicea Pallas, 1766) Pallas, P. S. (1766). Elenchus zoophytorum sistens generum adumbrationes generaliores et specierum cognitarum succintas descriptiones, cum selectis auctorum synonymis. [List of zoophytes containing general outlines of genera and brief descriptions of known species, with selected synonyms of the authors.]. <em>Fransiscum Varrentrapp, Hagae.</em> 451 pp., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/6019361 page(s): 388 [details] 
original description
(of Amorphina grisea Fristedt, 1887) Fristedt, K. (1887). Sponges from the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and the Behring Sea. <em>Vega-Expeditionens Vetenskap. Iakttagelser (Nordenskiöld) 4.</em> 401-471, pls 22-31. page(s): 425 [details] 
original description
(of Amorphina paciscens Schmidt, 1875) Schmidt, O. (1875). Spongien. Die Expedition zur physikalisch-chemischen und biologischen Untersuchung der Nordsee im Sommer 1872. <em>Jahresbericht der Commission zur Wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Deutschen Meere in Kiel.</em> 2-3: 115-120, pl. I. page(s): 115 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria glabra Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 232-233 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria grisea (Fristedt, 1887)) Fristedt, K. (1887). Sponges from the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and the Behring Sea. <em>Vega-Expeditionens Vetenskap. Iakttagelser (Nordenskiöld) 4.</em> 401-471, pls 22-31. [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria coralloides Bowerbank, 1882) Bowerbank, J.S.; Norman, A.M. (1882). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 4 (Supplement). (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-250, pls I-XVII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1908675 page(s): 104-105 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria topsenti de Laubenfels, 1936) Laubenfels, M.W. de. (1936). A Discussion of the Sponge Fauna of the Dry Tortugas in Particular and the West Indies in General, with Material for a Revision of the Families and Orders of the Porifera. <em>Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication.</em> 467 (Tortugas Laboratory Paper 30) 1-225, pls 1-22. page(s): 133 [details] Available for editors [request]
original description
(of Hymeniacidon lactea Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 163-164 [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon membrana Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 165-166 [details] 
original description
(of Alcyonium manus sensu Esper, 1794) Esper, E.J.C. (1794). Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Farben erleuchtet, nebst Beschreibungen. Zweyter Theil. (Raspe: Nürnberg): 1-303. , available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/50841660 [details]
original description
(of Alcyonium medullare Lamarck, 1815) Lamarck, J.-B. de. (1815 [1814]). Suite des polypiers empâtés. <em>Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.</em> 1: 69-80, 162-168, 331-340. [details] 
original description
(of Alcyonium manusdiaboli Linnaeus, 1767) Linnaeus, C. (1767). Systema naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Ed. 12. 1., Regnum Animale. 1 & 2. [The system of nature through the three kingdoms of nature: according to classes, orders, genera, species, with characters, differences, synonyms, places. Ed. 12. 1., Animal Kingdom. 1 & 2]. <em>Holmiae [Stockholm], Laurentii Salvii.</em> pp. 1-532 [1766] pp. 533-1327 [1767]., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/83650#5 [details] 
original description
(of Amorphina appendiculata Schmidt, 1875) Schmidt, O. (1875). Spongien. Die Expedition zur physikalisch-chemischen und biologischen Untersuchung der Nordsee im Sommer 1872. <em>Jahresbericht der Commission zur Wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Deutschen Meere in Kiel.</em> 2-3: 115-120, pl. I. page(s): 115 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria sevosa Johnston, 1842) Johnston, G. (1842). A History of British Sponges and Lithophytes. <em>(W.H. Lizars: Edinburgh).</em> i-xii, 1-264, pls I-XXV., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/35290582 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria ambigua Bowerbank, 1874) Bowerbank, J.S. (1874). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 3. (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-367, pls I-XCII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1871265 page(s): 208, Pl. LXXIV 14-15; 213-215; note: illustration of the type specimen [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria caduca Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 234-236 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria coccinea Bowerbank, 1861) Bowerbank, J.S. (1861). List of British sponges. <i>In</i>: McAndrew, R. (Ed.), List of the British marine invertebrate fauna. <em>Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.</em> 30: 235-236. [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria edusa Bowerbank, 1874) Bowerbank, J.S. (1874). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 3. (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-367, pls I-XCII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1871265 page(s): 197, Pl LXXIII 6-9; 201-202; note: illustration of the type specimen [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria incerta Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 237-238 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria pannosus Verrill, 1874) Verrill, A. E. (1873). XVIII. Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and the adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characters of the region. <em>Report on the condition of the sea fisheries of the south coast of New England [later becomes Reports of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries].</em> 1: 295-778 pls. 1-38., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12087501 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria reticulata Lieberkühn, 1859) Lieberkühn, N. (1859). Neue Beiträge zur Anatomie der Spongien. <em>Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie.</em> 30(3): 353-382, 515-529, pls IX-XI. page(s): 519 [details] 
original description
(of Halichondriella corticata Burton, 1931) Burton, M. (1931). Studies on Norwegian Sponges I. <em>Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Forhandlinger.</em> 4 (38): 136-139. [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon fallaciosus Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 160-161 [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon firmus Bowerbank, 1874) Bowerbank, J.S. (1874). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 3. (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-367, pls I-XCII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1871265 page(s): 185, Pl. LXXII 1-2; 186; note: illustration of the type specimen [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon fragilis Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 159 [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon parfitti Parfitt, 1868) Parfitt, E. 1868. On the marine and freshwater sponges of Devonshire. Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Arts 1868: 9-12 (452-454). [details]
original description
(of Hymeniacidon reticulatus Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 159-160 [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon solidus Bowerbank, 1882) Bowerbank, J.S.; Norman, A.M. (1882). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 4 (Supplement). (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-250, pls I-XVII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1908675 page(s): 76-78 [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon tegeticula Bowerbank, 1874) Bowerbank, J.S. (1874). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 3. (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-367, pls I-XCII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1871265 page(s): 208, Pl. LXXIV 16-17; 216-217; note: illustration of the type specimen [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon thomasii Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 155-156 [details] 
original description
(of Isodictya crassa Bowerbank, 1882) Bowerbank, J.S.; Norman, A.M. (1882). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 4 (Supplement). (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-250, pls I-XVII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1908675 page(s): 126-128 [details] 
original description
(of Isodictya perplexa Bowerbank, 1882) Bowerbank, J.S.; Norman, A.M. (1882). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 4 (Supplement). (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-250, pls I-XVII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1908675 page(s): 123-125 [details] 
original description
(of Menanetia minchini Topsent, 1896) Topsent, E. (1896). Matériaux pour servir à l'étude de la faune des spongiaires de France. <em>Mémoires de la Société zoologique de France.</em> (9):113-133. [details] 
original description
(of Microciona tumulosa Bowerbank, 1882) Bowerbank, J.S.; Norman, A.M. (1882). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 4 (Supplement). (Ray Society: London): i-xvii, 1-250, pls I-XVII., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1908675 page(s): 50-51 [details] 
original description
(of Pellina bibula Schmidt, 1870) Schmidt, O. (1870). Grundzüge einer Spongien-Fauna des atlantischen Gebietes. (Wilhelm Engelmann: Leipzig): iii-iv, 1-88, pls I-VI. page(s): 42 [details] 
original description
(of Spongia compacta Sowerby, 1806) Sowerby, J. (1805). The British miscellany; or, Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects : many not before ascertained to be inhabitants of the British Isles: and chiefly in the possession of the author, James Sowerby. R. Taylor & Co., London, No.2: 13-21, pls.5-8., available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.41623 note: Synonymy from Fristedt (1885: 25) as Amorphina panicea. [details] 
original description
(of Spongia cristata Ellis & Solander, 1786) Ellis, J.; Solander, D. (1786). The Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various parts of the Globe. Systematically arranged and described by the late Daniel Solander. 4.(Benjamin White & Son: London): 1-206, pls 1-63., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/41943909 page(s): 186 [details] 
original description
(of Spongia seriata Grant, 1826) Grant, R.E. (1826). Notice of two new species of British Sponges. <em>Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal.</em> 2: 203-204. [details] 
original description
(of Spongia tomentosa Linnaeus, 1767) Linnaeus, C. (1767). Systema naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Ed. 12. 1., Regnum Animale. 1 & 2. [The system of nature through the three kingdoms of nature: according to classes, orders, genera, species, with characters, differences, synonyms, places. Ed. 12. 1., Animal Kingdom. 1 & 2]. <em>Holmiae [Stockholm], Laurentii Salvii.</em> pp. 1-532 [1766] pp. 533-1327 [1767]., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/83650#5 [details] 
original description
(of Spongia urens Ellis & Solander, 1786) Ellis, J.; Solander, D. (1786). The Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various parts of the Globe. Systematically arranged and described by the late Daniel Solander. 4.(Benjamin White & Son: London): 1-206, pls 1-63., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/41943909 page(s): 187-188 [details] 
original description
(of Trachyopsilla glaberrima Burton, 1931) Burton, M. (1931). Studies on Norwegian Sponges I. <em>Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Forhandlinger.</em> 4 (38): 136-139. page(s): 138-139 [details] 
original description
(of Spuma borealis var. convoluta Miklucho-Maclay, 1870) Miklucho-Maclay, N. N. (1870). Uber einige Schwämme des nördlichen Stillen Oceans und des Eismeeres, welche im Zoologischen Museum der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in St. Petersburg aufgestellt sind. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und Verbreitung der Spongien. <em>Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg.</em> 15 (3): 1-24. page(s): 13-14 [details] 
original description
(of Spuma borealis var. tuberosa Miklucho-Maclay, 1870) Miklucho-Maclay, N. N. (1870). Uber einige Schwämme des nördlichen Stillen Oceans und des Eismeeres, welche im Zoologischen Museum der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in St. Petersburg aufgestellt sind. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und Verbreitung der Spongien. <em>Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg.</em> 15 (3): 1-24. page(s): 13 [details] 
original description
(of Spuma borealis var. velamentosa Miklucho-Maclay, 1870) Miklucho-Maclay, N. N. (1870). Uber einige Schwämme des nördlichen Stillen Oceans und des Eismeeres, welche im Zoologischen Museum der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in St. Petersburg aufgestellt sind. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie und Verbreitung der Spongien. <em>Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg.</em> 15 (3): 1-24. page(s): 14-15 [details] 
original description
(of Seriatula seriata (Grant, 1826)) Grant, R.E. (1826). Notice of two new species of British Sponges. <em>Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal.</em> 2: 203-204. [details] 
original description
(of Hymeniacidon brettii Bowerbank, 1866) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 158-159 [details] 
original description
(of Spongia albescens Rafinesque, 1818) Rafinesque, C.S. 1818c. Descriptions of species of sponges observed on the shores of Long Island. American Journal of Science and Arts 1: 149-151. [details] 
original description
(of Halichondria reticulata (Bowerbank, 1866)) Bowerbank, J.S. (1866). A Monograph of the British Spongiadae. Volume 2. (Ray Society: London): i-xx, 1-388. , available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1905089 page(s): 159 [details] 
original description
(of Scypha papillaris f. sowerbeii Gray, 1821) Gray, S.F. (1821). A natural arrangement of British Plants. Volume I. Baldwin, London: i-xxvii, 1-821, 21 pls., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/30086635 page(s): 357 [details] 
original description
(of Reniera velamentosa Hansen, 1885) Hansen, G.A. (1885). Spongiadae. The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878. <em>Zoology.</em> 13: 1-26, pls I-VII, 1 map. page(s): 4 [details] 
basis of record
Erpenbeck, D.; Van Soest, R.W.M. (2002[2004]). Family Halichondriidae Gray, 1867. Pp. 787-815. <em>In Hooper, JN. A. & Van Soest, R. W. M. (eds) Systema Porifera. A guide to the classification of sponges. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum NY, 1708 + xvliii.</em> ISBN 978-1-4615-0747-5 (eBook electronic version). [details] Available for editors [request]
basis of record
Erpenbeck, D.; Van Soest, R.W.M. (2002). Family Halichondriidae Gray, 1867. Pp. 787-816. <em>In Hooper, JN. A. & Van Soest, R. W. M. (eds) Systema Porifera. A guide to the classification of sponges. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum NY, 1708 + xvliii.</em> ISBN 0-306-47260-0 (printed version). [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Liu, J.Y. [Ruiyu] (ed.). (2008). Checklist of marine biota of China seas. <em>China Science Press.</em> 1267 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Muricy, G.; Lopes, D.A.; Hajdu, E; Carvalho, M.S.; Moraes, F.C.; Klautau, M.; Menegola, C.; Pinheiro, U. (2011). Catalogue of Brazilian Porifera. <em>Museu Nacional, Série Livros.</em> 300 pp. page(s): 93 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Marra, M.V.; Bertolino, M.; Pansini, M.; Giacobbe, S.; Manconi, R.; Pronzato, R. (2016). Long-term turnover of the sponge fauna in Faro Lake (North-East Sicily, Mediterranean Sea). <em>Italian Journal of Zoology.</em> 1-10., available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/11250003.2016.1251981 page(s): 4 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Dinn, C.; Leys, S.P. (2018). Field Guide to sponges of Eastern Canadian Arctic. <em>Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, T6G 2E9.</em> 1-102. page(s): 77 [details] Available for editors [request]
From regional or thematic species database
Introduced species vector dispersal Argentinean part of the South Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region) Ships: accidental as attached or free-living fouling organisms [details]
Language | Name | |
Dutch |
gewone broodsponsbroodspons |
[details] |
English |
crumb of bread spongebread-crumb spongebreadcrumb spongebreadcrumb horny sponge [from synonym] |
[details] |
French |
halichondrie [from synonym]éponge panaire [from synonym] |
[details] |
German |
MeerbrotBrotkrustenschwammBrotkrumenschwamm |
[details] |
Japanese |
ナミイソカイメン [from synonym] |
[details] |
Ukrainian |
Морський коровай [from synonym] |
[details] |
BIOTIC (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
Marine Life Information Network - UK
To Barcode of Life (56 barcodes) (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (1 publication) (from synonym Amorphina appendiculata Schmidt, 1875)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (11 publications) (from synonym Alcyonium medullare Lamarck, 1815)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (11 publications) (from synonym Halichondria incerta Bowerbank, 1866)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (11 publications) (from synonym Halichondria reticulata Lieberkühn, 1859)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (11 publications) (from synonym Clathria seriata (Grant, 1826))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (12 publications) (from synonym Halichondria papillaris (Pallas, 1766))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (17 publications) (from synonym Halichondria caduca Bowerbank, 1866)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (18 publications) (from synonym Halichondria albescens (Rafinesque, 1818))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (2 publications) (from synonym Hymeniacidon thomasii Bowerbank, 1866)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (21 publications) (from synonym Spongia urens Ellis & Solander, 1786)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (25 publications) (from synonym Spongia tomentosa Linnaeus, 1767)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (27 publications) (from synonym Spongia cristata Ellis & Solander, 1786)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (286 publications) (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (3 publications) (from synonym Halichondria lactea (Bowerbank, 1866))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (3 publications) (from synonym Amorphina paciscens Schmidt, 1875)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (3 publications) (from synonym Halichondria membrana (Bowerbank, 1866))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (3 publications) (from synonym Halichondria velamentosa (Hansen, 1885))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (3 publications) (from synonym Halina panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (35 publications) (from synonym Amorphina panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (4 publications) (from synonym Hymeniacidon membrana Bowerbank, 1866)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (5 publications) (from synonym Isodictya perplexa Bowerbank, 1882)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (5 publications) (from synonym Halichondria ambigua Bowerbank, 1874)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (5 publications) (from synonym Halichondria edusa Bowerbank, 1874)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (5 publications) (from synonym Hymeniacidon fallaciosus Bowerbank, 1866)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (6 publications) (from synonym Halichondria sevosa Johnston, 1842)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (6 publications) (from synonym Microciona tumulosa Bowerbank, 1882)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (6 publications) (from synonym Halichondria coccinea Bowerbank, 1861)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (6 publications) (from synonym Halichondria coralloides Bowerbank, 1882)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (6 publications) (from synonym Amorphina grisea Fristedt, 1887)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (7 publications) (from synonym Spongia seriata Grant, 1826)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (8 publications) (from synonym Hymeniacidon lactea Bowerbank, 1866)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (8 publications) (from synonym Hymeniacidon firmus Bowerbank, 1874)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (8 publications) (from synonym Spongia compacta Sowerby, 1806)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (81 publications) (from synonym Spongia panicea Pallas, 1766)
To Biodiversity Heritage Library (9 publications) (from synonym Halichondria glabra Bowerbank, 1866)
To Biological Information System for Marine Life (BISMaL) (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To European Nucleotide Archive, ENA (Halichondria panicea) (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To GenBank (68375 nucleotides; 26211 proteins) (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To GenBank (68375 nucleotides; 26211 proteins)
To Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI)
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria (Halichondria) velamentosa (Hansen, 1885))
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria sevosa Johnston, 1842)
To PESI (from synonym Menanetia minchini Topsent, 1896)
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria topsenti de Laubenfels, 1936)
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria membrana (Bowerbank, 1866))
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria paciscens (Schmidt, 1875))
To PESI (from synonym Hymeniacidon lactea Bowerbank, 1866)
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria velamentosa (Hansen, 1885))
To PESI (from synonym Hymeniacidon membrana Bowerbank, 1866)
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria glabra Bowerbank, 1866)
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria grisea (Fristedt, 1887))
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria lactea (Bowerbank, 1866))
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To PESI (from synonym Spongia panicea Pallas, 1766)
To PESI (from synonym Amorphina grisea Fristedt, 1887)
To PESI (from synonym Halichondria coralloides Bowerbank, 1882)
To PESI (from synonym Amorphina paciscens Schmidt, 1875)
To PESI (from synonym Amorphina velamentosa (Hansen, 1885))
To PESI (from synonym Trachyopsilla glaberrima Burton, 1931)
To PESI (from synonym Eumastia appendiculata (Schmidt, 1875))
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (1 record) (from synonym Amorphina panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (1 record) (from synonym Hymeniacidon brettii Bowerbank, 1866)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (1 record) (from synonym Pellina bibula Schmidt, 1870)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (1 record) (from synonym Hymeniacidon reticulatus Bowerbank, 1866)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (100 records) (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Hymeniacidon membrana Bowerbank, 1866)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Halichondria coralloides Bowerbank, 1882)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Hymeniacidon firmus Bowerbank, 1874)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Hymeniacidon thomasii Bowerbank, 1866)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Isodictya crassa Bowerbank, 1882)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Microciona tumulosa Bowerbank, 1882)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Hymeniacidon tegeticula Bowerbank, 1874)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Isodictya perplexa Bowerbank, 1882)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Halichondria edusa Bowerbank, 1874)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Halichondria caduca Bowerbank, 1866)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (2 records) (from synonym Halichondria bibula (Schmidt, 1870))
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (3 records) (from synonym Hymeniacidon fallaciosus Bowerbank, 1866)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (3 records) (from synonym Halichondria ambigua Bowerbank, 1874)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (Holotype USNM 5064) (from synonym Hymeniacidon fragilis Bowerbank, 1866)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (Holotype USNM 5071) (from synonym Hymeniacidon solidus Bowerbank, 1882)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (Holotype USNM 5106) (from synonym Halichondria incerta Bowerbank, 1866)
To USNM Invertebrate Zoology Porifera Collection (Holotype USNM 5115) (from synonym Hymeniacidon reticulatus Bowerbank, 1866)
To Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History (YPM IZ 002111.PR) (from synonym Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766))
From editor or global species database